Une visite de Haley

Haley came in early to visit with David and I before she was to go to Middlebury, VT to study French for six weeks or so.   She came in on Friday night after work and stayed in CT. We went up to New Hampshire on Sunday afternoon and then I took her to VT on Tuesday.  We had a great visit and I was so glad that she came.  There's much to tell, and I can't possibly get it all in....so I'll simply hit the highlights.

The chaos of Friday, June 26th:  My co-admin, Joan, was out on Thursday and Friday.  That being the case, I had two really busy days of work and I was not able to take off time before Haley came in.  Her flight was scheduled to arrive at 5:23pm.  When Kim & Greg came in on a Friday just a few weeks before, David took me to work and left the office at 4:40ish.  He came and picked me up at 5:00 on the nose and we headed directly to the airport.  We were able to get them right after they grabbed their bags.  With Joan out, I needed to have my car to make printing company runs and such. So, I took David in. That meant that I would leave at 5:00 and have to swing by and get him.  Then off to the airport.  So, we would be running a little late. I had pre-warned Haley about the situation, and told her that we would meet her at baggage claim.  ....little did we know....

I was swamped all day. My boss was getting married on Saturday, so Friday started with the typical groom threatening to sue the wedding coordinator story....oh I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times.....I don't think he was all that excited about getting married. He came in in a snitch and left in a mood, leaving his poor assistant frazzled.  I had to finish up an advertising brochure  for a golf tournament we were sponsoring......my "other boss" needed 300 copies printed and folded by 5.  He handed me the final final draft at 4:00 on Friday afternoon.  Really?

It was getting dark outside, or so I heard. I was busy running around trying to do the work of two people on a half-person attention span.  I was ready to get out and get on with vacation! It was 4:40 and I was just finishing up the brochure when I heard the thunder.  Then a flash and the power was out.  Phones, computers, lights....and as quickly as they went out, they were back on.  Everything was flashing.....including the security system.  But flashing wasn't enough for it...nnnnnnoooo....there was a high pitched squealing sound alerting us that all was not right.  Jean went over and played with it....No luck.  A group gathered 'round trying to give her advice.  Someone hit it really hard, and just like a movie scene, the squealing stopped. Our new phones take about 15 minutes to power back up when they go out, so I called David on my cell.  I'm leaving soon....see you in a few.  "It's hailing!" Jean called out.  Everyone ran to the front window. It was dark and pouring and hailing.  Nothing new to you Texans, but it was STRANGE weather for up here.  People stood by the window in amazement.  The power went out again.  (I found out a few days later there was a tornado in Wethersfield - right next to where I work.  I believe it!  It was scary out.)

"Well, gotta go," I said quietly.  I had to get outta there. We were going to be late getting Haley as it was.  "Sorry Jean, I really have to go. I hate you leave you with all this after the day you've had, but I can't leave my cousin stranded at the airport."  I slinked out into the storm. 

I tried to Haley on the way and leave her a voicemail.  We were running a little behind. She may have to go ahead and get her bags, but we'd be there so after.  All I could get on my cell was a message about "no reception" and "try again".  I tried a couple of times...even left a message once....but later found out she never got it.  I called Mom to tell her the story in case she talked to Mary or Haley.  Fire engines passed me downtown going in both directions.  The rain was coming down in sheets, making it really hard to see.  The faster I wanted to go, the slower I was moving.  Finally I made it David's office door at 5:20.  Haley was to be landing in 3 minutes.

Then something inside me snapped.  You know that feeling when you are really hungry.......REALLY REALLY  hungry and you just can't get to food and eventually your body just gives up and you aren't hungry anymore.  I was there....only with stress.  I was so stressed out after the last two days that I don't think my body could take it anymore.  Everything just became funny.  David came downstairs and I let him drive.  I called Mom again, who had already spoken to Mary, who had already spoken to Haley.  She was off the plane and waiting.

Picture2We pulled off Trumbull and onto the next road.........it was completely stopped.  Rain was pouring down.  We were under a "mix-master" of sorts and could see all the different roads above. They were all at creeping crawls or complete stops.  As we pulled out into the intersection, we noticed there were policemen on the corners manually changing the stop lights.....and the further we got, the more we saw them.  They were standing at EVERY light...it was chaos.  The grid must have gone down and every car in downtown Hartford was out on Friday evening in a complete stop-down in all directions.  I was in the car giggling and took this photo at the bridge.  Poor Haley...we were trying.

We finally made it under the bridge and past the next two lights. Then we were stopped again. As we sat there I noticed a lot of people walking by.  “What’s going on?”, I asked.   “There must be a concert tonight”, David said.  Are you kidding me??  Sure enough the longer we sat the more people walked by.  We deduced by the cowboy hats and boots that it was a country concert.  I rolled down the window and asked three girls in short shorts, boots and plastic bags (it’s still raining mind you) and they said it was a Rascal Flatts concert.  I called Haley again.  “We’re on our way…but we are not moving AT ALL at this point.”  Haley said. “Well, I was  wondering how comfortable I should get.” “Veeeery comfortable.  Sorry.”, I murmured.  

I hung up the phone. Called Mom back.  She’d talked to everyone yet again.  My funny mood was fading fast…”Hang in there” Mom said.  “Haley’s okay.”  “I’m stressed!!  I’m no Marsha!!” I announced.  We laughed and decided this experience would be much more pleasant if she was in the car.  I hung up and popped a small handful of aspirin.  I weakly smiled and David and I tried to keep our spirits up.  The line was NOT moving.

Apparently the lights were out around the stadium as well and the police were manning them as best they could….but not well enough.   I couldn’t help myself…..I reached over and honked the horn.  It was such a great feeling….Someone else honked…..I honked again.   I get why they honk in New York so much……you just get frustrated not moving. It’s an audible protest of the situation.  I honked….cars behind us honked….and so on.  We got tickled at the musical uprising and the mood lightened just in time.  We were about to lose it.

About an hour and 20 minutes after Haley landed, we arrived at the airport….weary and wet.  Haley looked about the same from her long day of travel and we decided to hit the grocery store and go home and crash for dinner.

We stopped at Highland Park Market and had them steam 3 lobsters.  We bought hotdog rolls and corn olobstern the cob and headed home to create our own lobster rolls.  I got a kick out of carrying  the warm brown grocery sack  out to the car knowing it was filled with three lobsters that were alive only minutes ago.  Don’t do that in Texas too often.  The hot lobster rolls were good, or course, but lacked that great bread that you get at the restaurants.  I need to find a good bakery.

Sailing on Saturday June 27th:  It was funny taking Haley around this trip because she doesn't read my blog unless someone calls and "makes her" read it.  When Mary or Kim or anyone else comes to town, they have seen the photos and heard the stories...they know Eddie the Eagle and Ken's for breakfast and things like that.  They know the bats stories in New Hampshire or the boat scenes on the river. Haley, not so much.  We'd start out talking to her like she knew what we were talking about and have to back track.  We took her to Ken's for breakfast and ate under a large umbrella on the patio.

First let me start off by saying it's been raining here for 26 days in a row…..hardly any sun in between the clouds.  It’s been dreary and miserable all June. Saturday at breakfast there seemed to be a little break. People were out on bikes and walking and shopping like crazy. Everyone was so excited. It was the talk from table to table at breakfast.  I really wanted to go out on the boat…..REALLY!  So, in between bites of spinach omelet I asked, “Can we go out on the boat after breakfast?”   Didn’t get the enthusiastic response I was hoping for.  I pulled out the “sad eyes”.  “Can we?  Can we?  It would be really nice to be out in sun and Haley could see the river…we could just stay out an hour or so….if the rain comes back…we can head back.”  I know that David loves to be on the boat, so I couldn’t figure his hesitation.  Desperate times call for desperate measures…… I  "pulled my Mary”. If you know Mary, it's a classic move and I love it....I've taken it up here in CT.  While asking for your wish, you are up straight as a rail….hope in your eyes…..begging with all the body language you can muster…..and if you don’t get the response you were hoping for, you collapse from the head down….shoulders slump…complete deflation. Just an outward expression of your internal disappointment.  It just makes you feel better to let it out. Haley and David laughed…..we went home and loaded up for the boat ride!  ;)   (sometimes it works too…)

We went out on the River. Here's a few of the things we saw:

On the boat, waiting for the bridge to move.
Haley and David on Boat

I thought this was cute....this hot dog "stand" goes out in the river and the boats come up to it and buy their snacks and head on down the river.

Hot Dog Boat

The Kimberly and Hogwash boat side by side.

kimberly boat

Not a great photo, not a great hair day, but it was the only one we got together, so I'll post it none the less.
me and haley

To New Hampshire on Sunday, June 28th: We took Haley to church on Sunday morning.  She said it reminded her of the church in Colorado that she visited.  It was a really good service (David and I thought anyway).  Haley made it through the "loud band" and the "television screens".  Then after lunch we headed north to NH.  It was a nice visit.  Haley got to see the farm house and the lake house (we stayed there).  We had dinner with George and Nancy and played games and cards that night.  It was a nice visit. It was as I expected:  Nancy and Haley talked about France and their travels and knitting and felting and cooking and all sorts of things.  I sat there like a lump and smiled.   ;)  I think they had a good visit though.  I regret that I did  not get a photo of them together....I should have. I joked with David later that I was probably "too jealous of their common bonding experiences" to think about it at the time.  ;)  Nancy made LOTS of cookies and Haley got to try to famous magic bars.  She got to see the lake and enjoy a little time in NH before going further north. We took Haley to Keene and showed her around the town. It was rainy and dreary, but we walked anyway. We saw the college and the shops.  We met George and Nancy at the Mill to eat lunch and shop at the bookstore.  David left on Monday after lunch and we stayed at the lake house and people swam and walked and read and whatnot.   Then we went to back to the lakehouse for dinner.  More cookies and conversation and then we were back off to the lake house before it got dark.

To Vermont We Go on Tuesday,  June 30th.  We left really early on Tuesday in hopes of getting to check-in by 11:00.  It was about a 2 to 2 1/2 hour drive.  It was a BEAUTIFUL trip, I might add....mountains and trees and streams running along the road at times.....just GORGEOUS!  Red barns on acres of land....horses....cows.  I can see how you would be partial to VT if you lived there.  Haley and I jabbered the whole way.  Me, trying to convince her to move up here.....She, just trying not to get nervous about her upcoming classes.  We talked about family, visiting our Grandmothers, holidays, clothes, makeup, shoes, mold, fungus and our futures.....it was nice to have the time.  We'd driven together the 2 hours to NH and now the 2 1/2 to VT.  We covered every topic we could think of and then some.

We ended up getting to the check-in closer to noon, but the line was short and we got Haley checked in. Here's a look at the town and the campus:

This was a shop/restaurant in town.  (I think I told some of you earlier it was on campus...it's not.  It's in the town near the waterfall.)


The previously mentioned waterfall.


The dorms from the outside.  Hers ended up being the one on the right that I didn't get a great shot of, but it looks just like the one on the  left.


Inside Haley's dorm.  She had a nice little kitchen, a living area and her own private bedroom.




She had to be in class by 2:00, so we parted ways and she was off.


I headed back home. It was about a 5 hour drive back. I stopped along the way.  Once place in particular caught my eye in  Proctorville, VT: The Singleton General Store.


There's so much to say, and I didn't get to half of it.  Perhaps I'll write more later...just wanted to get this on the blog today before it was too far out. 

Haley, thank you for coming and visiting!  It was so nice to have you here!  Can't wait for your next visit!   Amusez-vous bien, dans le Vermont!


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