Where I Spend 37.5 Hours a Week...

They moved me at work from back in the agent row up closer to the other girls.  Much better!  I asked to move back in February and just a short 10 months later, here I am! ;)  A testament to how things go around here. But I decided to really settle in here....embrace it.....go with it.  It's my job and it's going to be for quite some time.  I'm fortunate to have it.  

Since I have a job that requires me to sit in a small fabric-covered box all day, I thought  I'd make it my own.  I went out and bought six small bulletin boards (On clearance at Staples for $2 a piece! Yeah!) and made photo boards.  I bought the aforementioned show tape dispenser...couldn't pass it up! I created a slideshow screensaver and I've caught a few people standing around looking at it when I come back from lunch! ha....I like my new little area. I can sit and work and all the while be surrounded by photos and great memories!  It puts me in a good mood.  My co-workers think I'm a little strange, I'm sure. But I  don't care.....anyway.....I probably am! ;)

Here's my cube. Do you think I'm "Type A"?  ha!  Oh well.


I have photos everywhere (inspried by Mom's office the last time I was in Texas!):



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