Take A Ride To Church With Us

We've recently started going to a new church, and we just love it! If there is a flaw, it's that it is in Middletown (about a 30 minute drive). That's like 2 hours in Texas time. You have to realize people just don't drive that far here.....they stay close to home. It's not like the Dallas metroplex. Plus, factor in current gas prices and you can see that we really like this church. Yes, it's a drive, but it's an interesting one. Here's a few things you can see on the ride to and from church.

Love this little guy. He looks perfect from the road going 50mph. When you get up next to him, his trunk is held on with duct tape.

Eye doctor?? Ummmm.....yep. 
A little Christmas all year long.

This is the "Super Shine Car Wash". Cracks me up they even made the shingles look like he is breaking through the wall. 
 Cool tree trunk!
Here's the bridge we go over. David said it was rated as dangerous. They are going to start construction soon to make it safer. Great. :-\ 
We also pass Lake Pocotopaug in East Hampton.  


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