Full of Gratitude This Morning....

I am getting ready for the Oakes Christmas here at the house and I am just so grateful!!

1. Thank you Marsha for all the sewing stuff. I still have it and love and use it from time to time. Thank you for the AWESOME scissors that cut the fabric like butter. I thought of you this morning.

2. Thank you Grandmommy for the giant wooden spoon and fork for the salad. Oh how I wanted that! I remember looking all over for that and a lemon zester in Granbury one day with you. Thank you. It will be in the salad bowl this evening. I thought of you this morning.

3. Thank you Mom for all the wonderful Christmas decorations you have sent over the last couple of years. They have made our house feel so warm and cozy and full of holiday cheer. Plus they remind me of home. I LOVE this time of year when the house is decorated. As I was frantically trying to put things together this morning, I said to David "Aren't I like Mom? Don't I make more sense since you have spent more holidays with us?" His response: "That's a dumb question." Needless to say, we both thought of you this morning.

4. If Nanny were here, I would thank her too. So many Christmas memories ... I don't have an 8-track player, but I have all the old songs downloaded to the ipod to play in the background. It reminds me of her. She reminds me of Nancy.....waiting for her grandkids and her "boys" to run through the house. I'm sure she's made all their favorite cookies for today. I miss Nanny. I thought of her today.

I am just overflowing with gratitude this morning for all the people in my life both past and present and I am looking forward to bringing a little "Singleton twist" to the Oakes Family Christmas today. I'm sure photos will follow along with a blog about my ever-lovin' Christmas dinner table. But I had to stop and write out a quick thanks. I'm just full of gratitude.


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