Mother Daughter Bucket List

I saw this on Pinterest today.  What a great idea.  Here is the list that was posted.  I can see making my own!

1.  Develop a signature family recipe (Have we done this?  Sure we have. Trying to think what ours is.) 
2.  See a Broadway play. (YES MOM!!) 
3.  Get in the car and drive somewhere spontaneous (Done it.)
4.  Take a mother/daughter trip abroad (We tried with the Downton drawing.  Would be fun to do, but you will have to talk David into it first. Ha .... He is dying to go overseas again.)
5.  Have a mother/daughter photo shoot (Done it.)
6.  Bury a time capsule (We should do this in the backyard with the kids.)
7. Complete a physical challenge – climb a mountain, hike a trail, run/walk a marathon, etc. (HA!!  We should do this .... can you imagine?)
8.  Write a list of qualities that your daughter should look for in a man (I'm sure you did this for me at one point.)
9.  Serve at a local shelter (We've never done this together ... I don't think I ever have to be honest ...)
10.  Plan an outing for every holiday…pumpkin patch, Christmas tea, etc (Done it. So us!)
11.  Get a free make over at a department store  (We've done this, haven't we?)
12.  Do a Bible study (Done it.)
13.  Plant a garden with your favorite flowers (Done it.)
14.  Go to a weekend craft/art class (Have we done this?)
15.  Make homemade ice cream (Done it - with Dad's help. ha.)
16.  See your favorite sport team play live (YES MOM!! -  COWBOYS ON THANKSGIVING!)
17.  Have a classic movie marathon (Done it, Done it, Done it again!)
18.  Go on a special shopping spree (Done it.)
19.  Play in the rain (Done it I'm sure. I know Grandmommy and I have.)
20.  Redecorate your daughters room (Done it.)
21.  Learn how to change a tire (Dad?)
22.  Explore the local places you’ve never been (Done it, done it and done it again)
23.  Get up early and watch the sunrise (Done it - usually on vacation)
24.  See both your favorite bands together (Done it - Brad Paisley!!)
25.  Go shopping and try on outfits you would never think of purchasing (Done it many times)
26.  Have karaoke night (Done it)
27.  Update and paint a room in your house (Done it - You painted my apartment!)
28.  Visit every local museum (Hmmm..... well, we've done a few.  Need to take Abigail)
29.  Have a spa weekend- at home or out and about (YES MOM!!) 
30.  Visit a big city for a weekend (Oh, we lived there.)
31.  Do something only your daughter has always wanted to do (You've done that many times)
32.  Do something only your mom has always wanted to do (Have we done it? If not, we will!)
33.  Give Grandma a Surprise. Take her our spontaneously. Double Mother-Daughter Day! (Done it.)
34.  Look at baby photos of both of you and reminisce together; Share ancestor stories/favorite memories. (Done it.)
35.  Lay in the grass in the summer together and making pictures out of the clouds. (Done it. - Rochelle Texas, spinning, star watching, rolling down a hill)
36.  Journal–for when they’re little, keep track of it in a journal they can have later – add pics to it if you want. (You were awesome at that!)
37.  Test drive or rent your dream car (that you have no intention of buying) together. (Let's do that! A sports car across the Hill Country in Spring!!)


Anonymous said…
oh my my mind is running wild with ideas

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