David bought me a GPS before I moved here so I could get around CT without too much trouble. I HIGHLY reccomend getting one if you are directionally challenged or if you end up going to places where you have never been on a regular basis. It gives you so much confidence to get out and roam. I can get out and drive and wander and go wherever I want, and when I am ready, I simply hit 'home' and this magical machine tells me every turn to make until I am back in familiar territory. I have enjoyed it so much. In fact, I have become become very dependent on it. I have been driving to work for three weeks now. It's taken me this long to get really comfortable with the exits, but as of today, I can officially drive to and from work on auto pilot.
The road out of Hebron to Route 2 is a very rural road. It all looks the same to me.....trees...trees...an occasional mailbox...more trees. When I first got here I never thought I'd get use to knowing where to turn. A couple miles from my apartment there is a large painted eagle on a rock...I've named him Eddie. I always knew that when I passed him in the morning I was off on another day's adventure and when I passed him in the afternoon, I was almost home. I always looked for Eddie. Those first couple of weeks, Eddie was my way to gauge where I was, and I still haven't gotten over him. I stare as long as I can at him as I pass. I suppose one day after making that trip for the hundreth time, I won't notice him like I do now. He'll be like the corner grocery or the post office...and maybe then I'll know I'm really here...really home in CT. But for now, he is new and interesting and different like most everything in my life these days...and it's kind of nice....moving to someplace where everything is just different enough to be fun again.