The Wii Fit is Kicking My Butt!

"Death take me now & spare me the pain, she said. It was difficult for me to get that excited. Get a grip, I said, it's only aerobics." - Brian Andreas


It's getting  up to the 50's here in CT and you'd think it was 85 degrees!  People are out and about - in their yards - in shorts - walking.  Spring is definitely around the corner and summer will be here before I know it.   I've been trying to make an effort to get up and moving and lose a few extra pounds before it gets warmer here and I have to pull out the shorts and tees - or worse - the dreaded bathing suit.  So, I've been trying to walk and whatnot when I can.  David and I have been getting out a little the past few weekends and walking.  We walked on Saturday when it was pretty, but Sunday it was rainy and dreary, so we decided to do the wii fit instead.  I have been doing the games, yoga , the cardio and really haven't felt too much results from it.  It's pretty easy.  So, I decided to concentrate on the strength training (which I have been avoiding). Along with the other exercises,  I did lunges and squats and rowing and the last two days, my legs have been like hamburger meat. Every time I get in and out of my chair I think I'm going to fall over from the pain! Ugh.......I guess it's been a longer, lazier winter than I realized......Why can't it be this way on the beach for a change:



Jayme said…
I stay away from most of the strength...ha ha!!! I do about 1/2 on that side. I just hurt for days after some of those! I like the Yoga and all the Aerobics :)
Kimberly said…
I just had to go downstairs to the supply room and it's two flights of stairs. My eyes were watering from the pain by the time I got to the bottom. I am in some serious pain......I want to keep it up though! It's obviously working!
jenny said…
I love that picture. Love love love, it! Thank you!!!!

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