Creativity Busting Out All Over....

It's good that I work. Yesterday was proof of that. If I was independently wealthy and didn't have to get up every morning and make my way in this world, I'm afraid I would be completely worthless. Oh, yes, I'd be a Mario Brothers champion and know the entire daytime television schedule (all 300 channels). I'd be well-read (in blogs anyway) and would know the comings and goings of people I haven’t talked to since high school from 140 character Facebook entries and endless photos. Wait, I know what the children look like of people I didn’t talk to in high school! Facebook is crazy when you think about it. But I digress…..

It's good that I work. I am thankful for my job. It gets me up and going when otherwise I wouldn’t.

But some days, mornings like today, I feel like I have creativity all stored up inside of me just waiting to bust out….days like this I find myself looking at my spreadsheets and documents and forms and dreaming of cooking for a living. Creating new, exciting and absolutely almost-too-beautiful-to-eat dishes. I dream of working in a classroom and walking in and saying “Kids, we’re doing it different today,” like Mrs. Cain did in third grade. Then creating a volcano that explodes or settling in on carpet squares for story time, complete with all the voices and funny expressions. Days like this, I have a hard time concentrating on square footage, cap rates and search criteria. I’m more interested in what’s on sale at Michael’s and wondering why I never learned to sew, paint, mold or bead to perfection. Today I’m all color and texture… glue and floral wire. Today I could drape a room in all things pink ballerina for a birthday party or transform a Sunday school room into ancient Egypt. My co-workers don’t know it as I quietly sit here typing today, but I have creativity ready to bust out all over!


Anonymous said…
You are awesome!! I love that fish picture!
J :)
Anonymous said…
Kimberly, I so relate. The body is doing one thing, the mind roaming free doing another more creative endeavor. About the fish photo. How do you feed a fish encapsulated in a light bulb? Or is this all trick photography? Hope so for the fish's sake. Love, Mom O

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