I Love You More Than Chocolate Cake...

I was so obsessed with the snow yesterday that I completely spaced it. Yesterday, January 27, was NATIONAL CHOCOLATE CAKE DAY! I can't believe I missed it! But I've decided that I'm going to celebrate it today instead.

There's not much on the planet earth that I enjoy more than a big 'ol piece of really good chocolate cake. Love the mousse cakes, love the butter cream frosted, love the molten lava cakes.....love them all....be they one-layer or 27! I LOVE CHOCOLATE CAKE! If fact, one of the first "annoying, cutesy, sickeningly-sweet-first-dating-talk"  things I used to say to David was "I love you more than chocolate cake". And he knew that was A LOT!   Let's take a minute to celebrate:

(I'm doing the Homer Simpson MMMMMMMM......Chocolate Cake
thing right now!)

I also noticed that today (1/28) is National Kazoo Day and Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, but I think I'd rather celebrate yesterday. Let's celebrate again, shall we:

I better go. I think I just gained 2 pounds looking at that photo.


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