My First Trip On The New Boat

David's friend, Bob, bought a new boat this spring and I was anxious to get a ride! We went out on Saturday afternoon and took it to the Blue Oar for a late lunch and then back to Hamburg Cove. Over the years I have shown the you the river and the boats, the Goodspeed, the bridge and the airstrip. I've shown you the Becky Thatcher and even the floating hot dog stand. So, I wasn't sure what to photograph this trip. I decided to show you the new boat (of course) and some of the homes that line the Connecticut River.

First things's the new boat, Re-Joyce, named after Bob's wife Joyce:

Here's me posing for a picture on the boat:

But let's get real....this is what I looked like most of the ride. (Oh, and yes, I know you don't wear the the ear thingys that way....but it's the only way they would stay in my ears in the wind.)
For a mere $14.99 you too can have these extremely cheap, extremely mirrored CVS sunglasses! (ha....I'll probably have these all summer long. I never seem to lose the cheap, ugly pairs. Just a nice pairs I really love do I lose, scratch, sit on or drop!)
Lunch with a view. Cajun catfish sandwich served on paper plates.
But now for the good stuff....the beautiful, river front homes we pass along the way. (Note: the homes going out toward the ocean are more impressive, I think. But these are the homes northward toward our lunch destination.) Repeat after me....I will not covet my neighbor's house.....I will not covet my neighbor's house....I will not covet my neighbor's house....okay, check these out!

I think I've shown you now about all there is to see on our typical Connecticut River jaunts. Now I guess, you'll just have to come up here and see it all for yourself!


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