Oh No .... Photos??
I seem to have reached my limit of photos that I can post for free between the photo a day blog and this one. I can't post anymore photos to them. Well, that is to say for free.
I can pay for more storage space (which I will probably end up doing - it's not that much). But I am SO TEMPTED to create another blog. I LOVE creating them .... I have missed my paid blog so much since I deleted it. I love the freedom you have. The customization. But I know it drives you all crazy when I change it up.
So, let me wrestle down the urge to run out and buy another blog, (I REALLY WANT TO) and I'll get the photo situation taken care of.
(Truthfully, I think it would be smart to just buy a domain name so then I can change it and move it all I want and you can still click on the same link and you would never know what I did behind the scenes. If you don't know what I'm talking about right now, then I'm talking about YOU. I plan to keep a blog as long as they are still around and I live so far away, so it might be a good investment. but you'll have to change with me ONE MORE TIME if I do that.)
I'll get the photos up and running soon. We are going to The Berkshires Saturday and I know I'll have photos that I'll want to share. And of course there is the upcoming trip to Texas!