Corn Roast Weekend
It's that time again .... the corn roast. It looks like there may be rain today, so it may make for a muddy field like we have had before .... but hopefully Saturday will be nice and sunny. New England is a fun place to visit. I wish you ALL could come up every summer and let us take you around. So much to see and do. But the corn roast ALWAYS makes me want to have the kids with me! Marsha's family, my niece and nephews ... all the little ones we know.
I've never seen anything like this in Texas! Then again, I guess open flaming pits of fire in a big abandoned field in the middle of the summer with kids and adults running around with pointy wooden sticks (aka kindling) would be disaster in Texas. But in New Hampshire it works just fine.
Today is one of those days I just long to be rich! Not for a faster car with shinier wheels or a bigger house with rooms and rooms to keep clean. Not for designer shoes or an all lobster and caviar diet .... no, not for "things". I wish I was Oprah rich on days like this so I could fly everyone up on Friday night in a private plane (with a 5 star dinner of course - let's fly in a private chef too for the weekend - why not!) ... put you all up in fabulous bed and breakfast places and take you all to the corn roast and let the kids run around and see the fire trucks and roast hot dogs and hear the music. We could have sparklers and glow sticks and every kind of "light up circus toy" imaginable for when the sun went down. We'd have professional photographer momma with us to capture it all in an amazing way. And then everyone could jet back home on Sunday afternoon in time for the upcoming week. OH TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT .... I can't imagine!! My imagination runs wild from time to time with "what ifs" and the corn roast always seems to bring that out in me.
Alas, I cannot whisk you all off for a two-day adventure into pure "New Hampshire" so I will try my best to take some photos and share it with you the only way I can.