A Post For Me....

This post is really just for me.
It's a  way for me to document where I started the end of 2012.  I can't wait to see where I'll be the  end of 2013!
If you wonder what I am talking about, I'm talking about learning Adobe Illustrator CS6.  If you still don't know what I'm talking about, it's a marketing software used to create images ... digital art, shapes, graphs, maps, etc. 
There are so many flaws with this map, but it was my first attempt. It took me forever to get it done: 
That's what I will be doing most of the time.  Charts and things. I have a few diagrams under my belt now too. But I'm hoping from time to time I'll have time to work on some fun things too.  Here is one I created to learn a few more techniques:
My goal in 2013 is to get much better. We'll see! Perhaps this time next year I can create my own Christmas cards with "holiday birds on a wire".  


Anonymous said…
wish i knew enough to be properly impressed

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