Tuesday Nights
Tuesday nights we have women's bible study. This session we are doing Twelve Women Of The Bible By Lysa TerKeurst. We started last week and our leader gave us these darling bags with 12 different tea lights in them. Each has a colored ribbon, scent and name tag. Each distinct and unique, yet very much the same, like the women we are studying.
The idea is we sit down during the week and light the candle for that week and do the study. It was such a cute idea! She gave us two bags of six. I just couldn't get over how creative it was and how many other ways you could use it .... They could simply be labeled Week #1, Week #2 etc. You could do one a day through the advent season. Or maybe during lint. Such a neat gift idea.
Last week was Eve. This week? Rebekah. I'm looking forward to Tuesday night already!